Sunday, June 14, 2009


Finally, the end of the school year has arrived.

I hate the last week of school. Every day is a half day (which means I am picking Darian up exactly when Sebastian and Vibiana should be napping), Thursday was the school picnic at the city park which Darian insisted I attend, and Friday was the awards assembly. This all translates to my two toddlers' schedules being completely uprooted for an entire week.

On the up side, no more running back and forth to town every day! Whoo-hoo!

Darian was really excited about his report card- straight A's!! He also received some awards at the school's assembly - recognition for Christian Kindness and Excellence in Religion. I guess those dinner table discussions with his Dad on the theological differences between angels and archangels paid off!

So, summer has officially arrived in the Schalow house. Now I have to figure out what to do with them all summer. I'm sure I will be wishing for school to be back at the first whines of "I'm bored!"

1 comment:

Rachel Whitehead said...

You are welcome to come over with the kids anytime. I know my boys would love it!